Home or away? No, not the TV program but when you can live...
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Early retirement may sound like an impossible dream
The reality is that we all make choices every day that make a difference
This blog is all about making your financial decisions add up to living the life you want
It’s not always easy – but then the best things never are
How do I know it’s worth it? Well, I’ve done it…retired early at 43 back in 2018
My hope is that by sharing stories and knowledge gained from my journey – it will help others
If I can make you laugh along the way – all the better 😉
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Everything and anything about why and how we managed to retire early.
No spin, just reality.
What exactly is being retired early actually like?
Find tales of adventures and lessons learned here..
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Growing up in a small, traditional Suffolk village in the late 70’s, I had little clue about what the wider world had to offer – but I was curious…
That same curiosity has led me on a journey way beyond that which I would have thought possible.
Through hard work and considered financial risks I retired early at 43 to live my balanced life.
Now looking to give back and help others reach theirs.